I Love Sunday Nights...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

While my boyfriend watches Sunday night football, I get to enjoy blogging, reading, writing, surfing...and eating my favorite ice cream-

I just bought it tonight at the grocery and I may have to replace it tomorrow...they go QUICK!

So I became a member of twenty-something bloggers today, and am ecstatic to find lots of new blogs to read(like I am not on the internet enough already). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this post. I was laughing so hard I was crying, and had to stop and dry my eyes so I could finish reading. http://twentysomethinggirlinsf.blogspot.com/2008/09/please-wait-for-puberty-parade.html

It is not for the faint of heart, but worth reading if you need a laugh...let me know what you think...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Absolutely hilarious.

(Hopefully nobody will notice I'm the one that wrote it. What do ya think??)

The topic was just too easy. I mean really, how can you make kiddie tits NOT funny?

Miss Caught Up said...

The blog is funny!

Thanks for following my blog! :)

venetiaahwong said...

ice cream ice cream!! =D