I am hooked...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Okay, I didn't want to give in and read the book that everyone else was reading, it is usually not my style, but I did. I stood there in Target searching for a book and Twilight kept starring at me. I couldn't resist anymore, so I bought it...Friday afternoon. It is now Monday evening, and I have finished the 500 page book. WoW! I would have finished it earlier, I could have finished it probably in a day or two had I not had life going on. So here I share just some thoughts, opinions, questions...

This book was a very easy read. The 500 pages intimidated me at first, but once I began the story I could not put it down!!!
The descriptions in this book played out like a movie in my mind---there will be a movie this Fall, although I refuse to watch the trailer because I do not want it to ruin my reading experience.
I very much relate to Bella, always feeling a little odd, out place, like my mind did not work like others' did, clumsy, not easily romantically attached to guys. Edward makes my heart melt. I know it is a fictional story, but to me, what makes a good story is when I feel the characters almost become real in my life. I admire Edward and his family for the life that they lead and the strong will power they have to resist what is in their true nature. I believe the vampire lifestyle can be compared somewhat to the human life. There are always things that we love, that are hard to resist, but could be the end of us if we continued to give into them. Edward and Bella's love story began like many of ours do, he was attracted to her "scent". It was a strong pull to her that he could not resist, even though he tried. For anyone that has fallen in love, you know...you are drawn to certain people, sometimes not knowing why at first. There is just something there, something often indescribable for words. When two people are in love with each other, that is one of the best feelings in the world, and you would do anything to hold onto that connection, that person forever. But to want to sacrifice your human life to become a vampire to be with that person forever, that is a huge sacrifice. Man, that would be a tough decision! One of my favorite lines is this book...

"That's the beautiful thing about being human," he told me. "Things change."

This line stopped me. I tend to be a creature of habit, I like routine, I like a schedule, I like familiarity, and when I find something or someone I like, I tend to hold onto it. I get anxious about change, although I change my mind about everything about 100 times a day! When I read this line though it really made me think. Could I spend eternity doing the same thing everyday. Never changing, never growing old. At times it seems like this would be a great alternative to hold onto to our life and people forever, to avoid awkwardness, sadness, anxiety, change...but then I realized change is not necessarily a bad thing. We grow and learn from change. And it is also comforting to be reminded that when things are bad, things will change. "Things change."

This book could be intense at times, which I loved. The intensity of their conversations, their looks, the situations Bella always ended up in. I was on edge when she was being followed by the four guys on the empty street, and then at just the right moment Edward was there to save the day. I melt just remembering the scene. And when Edward REALLY saved her after the attack from the Tracker, Edward took a HUGE risk by sucking the venom from her blood. That really took strength and proved his love for her. I can see why she wants to be a vampire ;)

I love it that Edward insisted on it being known to her family and his that she was his girlfriend. She was nervous to meet the Cullens, not because she was afraid of them attacking her but for fear they would not approve of her. Of course they love her because Edward loves her...awwww.

I have so much I could say about this book, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. I am anxious to begin New Moon...


venetiaahwong said...

hmm is that the popular book?
its nice i heard frm my frens.
is it nice?
i like vampirsm
bt.... its so thick.
i got sleepy when i see thick books.